Animals and their young ones
Hen young one is chick
Duck young one is duckling
Cat young one is kitten
Dog young one is puppy
Frog young one is tadpole
Butterfly young one is caterpillar
Buffalo young one is calf
Spider young one is spiderling.
Pig young one is piglet.
Owl young one is owlet.
Kangaroo young one is joey.
Goat young one is kid.
Rabbit young one is kit.
Deer young one is fawn.
Sheep young one is lamb.
Cow young one is calf.
Donkey young one is foal.
Horse young one is colt.
Elephant young one is calf.
Lion young one is cub.
Monkey young one is infant.
Tiger young one is cub.
Giraffe young one is calf.
Fish young one is fry.
Animals and their living places
1.Man - House
2. Bird - Nest
3. Lion - Den
4. Tiger - Den
5. Ant - Hill
6. Dog - Kennel
7. Cow - Shed
Horse - Stable
9. Rabbit - Burrow
10. Snake - Hole
11. Buffalo - Shed
12. Rat - Hole
13. Hen - Coop
14. Goat - Fence
Bee - Beehive
16. Spider - Web
17. Pig - Sty
18. Fish - Water
19. Duck - Water
20. Goose - Water
21. Turtle - Sea
22. Monkey - Tree
Koala - Tree
24. Deer - Grassland
25. Camel - Desert
26. Bear - Den
27. Elephant - Jungle
28. Giraffe - Savannah
29. Cat - Cage
30. Sheep - Fold
31. Alligator - Nest
32. Chicken - Coop
33. Donkey - Barn
34. Fly - Cracks
35. Fox - Lair
36. Guinea Pig - Hutch
37. Hare - Farm
38. Hornet - Hive
39. Hyena - Den
40. Mouse - Hole
41. Rook - Rookery
42. Snail - Shell
43. Squirrel - Dray
44. Whale - Whalery
45. Yak - Hill
46. Zebra - Jungle
Animals and their sounds
Bats - screech
Bears - growl
Bees - hum and buzz
Birds - chirrup, chirp, twitter, tweet, sing, whistle
Camels - grunt
Cats - mew, purr, meow, hiss, yowl
Cattle - moo, low, bawl (calf), bellow (bull)
Chicks - cheep
Chickens - cluck, cackle
Cocks crow
Cows - low, moo
Crickets - chirp, creak
Crows - caw
Deers - bell
Dogs - bark
Dolphins - click
Donkeys - bray
Doves - coo
Ducks - quack
Eagles - scream
Elephants - trumpet, roar
Flies - buzz, hum
Foxes - bark, yelp, simper
Frogs - croak
Giraffes - bleat
Goats - bleat
Geese - cackle, quack
Grasshoppers - chirp
Hamsters - squeak
Hares - squeak